auto_ack muss auf 0 gesetzen in ft12
Verfasst: 6. Aug 2013, 00:21
in my test when we use the ft12 as the interface of the eibd, we must set auto_ack=0 in ft12, otherwise we can not download the programm when we use commercial USB device and meanwhile the eibd/ft12 is connected to the bus(the ack is not from the downloading-devices but from eibd/ft12?).
in my test when we use the ft12 as the interface of the eibd, we must set auto_ack=0 in ft12, otherwise we can not download the programm when we use commercial USB device and meanwhile the eibd/ft12 is connected to the bus(the ack is not from the downloading-devices but from eibd/ft12?).