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auto_ack muss auf 0 gesetzen in ft12

Verfasst: 6. Aug 2013, 00:21
von vannachen

in my test when we use the ft12 as the interface of the eibd, we must set auto_ack=0 in ft12, otherwise we can not download the programm when we use commercial USB device and meanwhile the eibd/ft12 is connected to the bus(the ack is not from the downloading-devices but from eibd/ft12?).


Re: auto_ack muss auf 0 gesetzen in ft12

Verfasst: 8. Okt 2013, 21:30
von StefanT
Hello vannachen!

Sorry for the too late answer. I have too much work at work lately and did not read the forum very much. Hopefully this changes now.

Normally the ACK is done by the program that uses the FT1.2.
So auto ACK is not required anyways.
Don't ask me why it is implemented...