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lpcxpresso , he always!

Verfasst: 14. Mär 2016, 09:12
von pete68
hi, I'm trying to compile the in8 - BCU1 files for ARM with LPCXPRESSO but I get some errors : " undefined reference to ` bus ' ' and " undefined reference to ` bcu ' " relating to app_main.ccp files , main.ccp and bcu_base . cc .
I think it's missing reference .
Can someone enlighten me ?
PS . existing problem also for other applications .


Re: lpcxpresso , he always!

Verfasst: 14. Mär 2016, 12:28
von nipponichi
Try to add
#include <sblib/eib.h>
#include <sblib/eib/sblib_default_objects.h>
to the app_main.cpp

Re: lpcxpresso , he always!

Verfasst: 14. Mär 2016, 12:44
von pete68
nipponichi hat geschrieben:Try to add
#include <sblib/eib.h>
#include <sblib/eib/sblib_default_objects.h>
to the app_main.cpp
"#include <sblib/eib.h>" already it exists in the file , now with " #include <sblib/eib/sblib_default_objects.h>" the compilation have not errors .
I try now to download on uC and see if it works

Thanks so much